Today is a new day for us as we have great hopes of finishing the sod in our landscape. Trying our best to get all of our plants planted and the sand kept safely tucked under lawn. It's blowing a cold north, northwest wind but we are motivated to get this main work done.
The painting I've posted for today is called "Poetry" and it's 20" X 20" and is $300. As you can see I'm still having trouble with my camera, overexposing on the right hand top and not picking up true color which is a strong yellow gold. This painting was a remake of an older self portrait painting I had done and I like it much better in it's new life. I combined colored paper towel pieces and hand made stencils and it came together the way I like the work to do. This is a favorite.
I subscribe to a free online Art new letter/email from an oil painter named Robert Genn that comes twice a week to me and today he talked about how an artists style becomes somewhat hard-wired, even if they are flexible in many other ways. (I'll put a link to his site over on the right hand side so you can sign up for this free newsletter yourself if you'd like. I agree about half the time with what he says but it's always interesting to hear what another artist has to say.) His premise being that we need not try to change our style so much as go deeper and embrace that style. I regularly have thoughts about landscape painting in oils but it may be that I would never be satisfied with any of my work unless it was very abstract. So maybe it's time to embrace and go deeper into the original abstract and hope there are people out their who also enjoy symbolic patterning and can bond with these paintings. Any thoughts from you artists out there?
My show at Arts & Cultural Exchange is coming down on Sunday and I will have those pieces in my home studio. An I hope to line up a new series of work at Azure this coming week.
Happy painting, and happy poetry too!